Changing Policies
+ Paper on decriminalisation of abortions by ARROW (English)
+ What a world without abortion stigma would look like? by Ipas (English with a tool to translate to Spanish and French)
+ Re-Imagining Policy: In Pursuit of Black Reproductive Justice by National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda (English)
+ Advocacy Brief: Access to Abortion in Malaysia by ARROW (English)
+ Cambodia Baseline Research Report – Claiming the Right to Safe Abortion by ARROW (English)
+ Reporte América Latina: Leyes y Sombras por CLACAI (español)
+ Los Tiempos del Aborto por CLACAI (español
+Abortion Research by WOW
+Datos de salud para entender la necesidad de despenalizar el aborto by Ipas LAC
+The World’s Abortion Laws by Center for Reproductive Rights
+Percepções Sobre Direito Ao Aborto Em Caso De Estupro em Brasil by Instituto Patrícia Galvão (Portuguese)
+Pesquisa: Percepções sobre o aborto no Brasil by Instituto Patrícia Galvão (Portuguese)
+ Resources and Research by Women Link Worlwide
+ Why is the right to abortion a fundamental aspect of sexual and reproductive justice? By RESURJ (English, Arabic, Spanish, French, and Portuguese)
+Del documento oficial al cambio social (español) Fondo MARIA
+ The Danger Of An Out Of Context Narrative: Abortion Advocacy In Global Policy Spaces by Chantal Umuhoza RESURJ (English)
+ Abortion Podcast Episode - The A Project (English and Arabic)
+ In the Pursuit of Reproductive Justice in Lebanon by The A Project (English and Arabic)
+ How to Make Abortion Great Again - Stories from the Polish feminist movement. By Harper Bazar (English)
+ Leyes y sombras (español) - Clacai
+ Del documento oficial al cambio social (español) Fondo MARIA
+ Addressing photography as a feminist socially engaged arts practice in the movement for abortion rights in the North or Northern Ireland - PhD by Emma Campbell
+WHO’s New Abortion Guideline: Highlights of Its Law and Policy Recommendations by Center for Reproductive Rights
++Barreras de accesso en el estado Español by L'Associació de Drets Sexuals i Reproductius (Spanish)
Guia de Defesa Popular da Justica Reprodutiva by Coletivo Margarida Alves (Portuguese)
Violência Obstétrica no Abortamento by Coletivo Margarida Alves (Portuguese)
+ Activist guide: Wanna protect abortion access but don't know how? By Abortion Action Front (english)
+Decriminalizing Abortion in Northern Ireland by Fiona Bloomer and Emma Campbell